Blog Archives

Why is REM Sleep Important?


What is REM sleep? REM sleep, also known as rapid eye movement sleep, is one of four stages of sleep, and is the one that is associated with dreaming. During REM sleep, your pulse quickens and your brain activity increases

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What Foods Should I Avoid Before Bed?

foods to avoid before bed

While everyone knows that there are foods that should be avoided before bed, it can be hard to find out which ones these are with all sorts of opinions. We’ve compiled a list so that you can be sure you’re

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What Causes Snoring?

Snoring causes sleep deprivation for partners up and down the country! But what causes snoring? Snoring happens when the tongue, upper throat, soft palate, and/or uvula vibrate against the tonsils and adenoids, causing the annoying tell-tale rumble. There are many

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Our Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep


Getting a good night’s sleep is extremely important, as it can create a positive change with your mood, health, and ability to go about your day. However, it’s not always that easy to just get a good night’s sleep, so

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Mattress Care Tips


Finding the right mattress for you can be a difficult task, especially when there’s so many types to choose from, so when you find the perfect mattress, you want to make sure it lasts for as long as possible. So read

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How to Choose the Best Mattress for You

How to Choose the Right Mattress

Choosing a good mattress is the most essential part of buying a new bed. A mattress can make or break a good night’s sleep, heavily effect your health and is a serious lifestyle investment so it is absolutely necessary that

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Choosing the best type of bed frame for your bedroom


One of the most fun parts of buying a new bed and mattress is choosing the perfect bed frame. While the mattress is a practical purchase, the bed frame can be chosen for both its practicality and its style. At

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A guide to buying a memory foam mattress


Memory foam mattresses continue to be popular as they provide extra support and comfort for sleepers that standard mattresses often don’t offer. With the continued popularity in memory foam mattresses there are many different types on the market coming in

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The best bed option for small bedrooms

Small bedrooms – or box rooms – can be one of the most challenging room in the home to buy furniture for. To keep the room in proportion it is vital to buy furniture that suits the room’s dimension; this

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Tips for choosing the right mattress

Whether you are buying a mattress online or in store, choosing the right one for your needs can be a difficult process. While the fact that there are so many different types of mattresses available makes it possible to find

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